How does a Twitter discussion compare to a BlackBoard Discussion?

Twitter might sound one of the difficult social media platforms but it is not to be honest when i first started using twitter it was complicated. Since a tweet is limited to 140 characters, it only allows for a discussion relevant to the topic to occur. The character limit can also be a frustration when trying to have a discussion because not all relevant information one wants to post can be done under one tweet. Instead, they would have to tweet multiple times if they go over the 140 character limit. Twitter only allows for simple discussions which in my opinion is a major flaw.

BlackBoard discussion is similar to a Twitter discussion, without the character limit. BlackBoard provides more technological features to help groups with collaborations. It also encourages users to research and provide reliable sources when having a discussion. A BlackBoard discussion will result in users providing the most refined answers. I believe BlackBoard will encourage the most educated answers.

BlackBoard discussion is good but it really need to be updated, thats why i cannot wait to do my presentation to show you guys what kind of an idea i have to improve out grades.


  1. Yeah, I feel the same way with twitter. As it limits your messages to 140 characters,Twitter could only be used for short discussions with blackboard students could discuss things more easily as it is already widely used by most schools nowadays. Blackboard will only continue to grow as it is the top mobile education app with colleges and even schools like K12, the online school. On blackboard students could have large discussions with partially the whole class if they wanted.


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